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Results (100 - 102 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#743 wontfix auto-update should be less loud when kernel updates come out jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


Right now, if a new kernel update comes out before openafs is built, and the auto-updater happens to run, every machine on campus will whine loudly to ops about the fact that the update would remove openafs-modules-generic. This is potentially annoying.

#243 will fix this, but if we're not going to fix #243 anytime soon, we should make auto-update less loud, in some sort of clever fashion.

#360 wontfix auto-update should clean up .debathena-orig.dpkg-new files geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


On a couple of Debathena machines I use:

sipbadmin@tyger:~$ find /etc -name "*.dpkg-new" 2>/dev/null

dr-wily:~ geofft$ find /etc -name "*.dpkg-new" 2>/dev/null

ozok-the-destroyer:~ geofft$ find /etc -name "*.dpkg-new" 2>/dev/null

kid-icarus:~ geofft$ find /etc -name "*.dpkg-new" 2>/dev/null

Zephyr discussion reminded me that this is due to  a bug in dpkg regarding diverted conffiles that's been fixed in dpkg 1.15. Jaunty and Lenny both still have 1.14, and we more or less still care about them, so we should consider adding code in auto-update to clean these up appropriately.

#483 fixed auto-update should deal with conffile conflicts on cluster jdreed broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


Right now, if anything triggers a dpkg conffile conflict, auto-update will hang indefinitely. Not the best failure mode.

On cluster machines, since we are the sysadmin, we should be passing -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew to aptitude.

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