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Results (103 - 105 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#835 fixed auto-update should explicitly check for network jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


If a machine's cable is unplugged, auto-update will continue to happily run, but aptitude update will fail. This is indistinguishable from some other failure. Instead, auto-udpate should check for network (ping its gateway, perhaps?) and fail with a "WARNING - no network, will retry later".

#469 wontfix auto-update should get its desync interval, and possibly other info, from a URL jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


When we switched to a 6-hour desync schedule during busy periods, we lost the ability to push out updates quickly. I think we want this back, particularly if we break printing again.

While the existing desync intervals (6 hours "during the day", 2 hours otherwise) are fine as fallbacks, I want the auto updater to go check a URL for a suggested desync interval. If fetching the URL fails, it can fallback to the existing schedule. We undoubtedly want to take #309 into account when implementing this.

Alternatively, the only real reason we want to desync updates is to avoid the suckage of huge updates (texlive, OOo, etc). We had talked about a URL providing a whitelist of packages that should be updated immediately, so that we can fix, say, reactivate and printing-config instantaneously. The danger there is that we can also deploy broken packages instantaneously.

This description should be updated to reflect whichever method we chose for regaining some measure of control over auto-updates.

#1461 fixed auto-update shouldn't run update-hook out of /var/run jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 11 years ago.


At some point, /run became mounted noexec, and we didn't notice.

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