Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1348 fixed Build for jessie jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 11 years ago.


We should pretend to support jessie.

#1347 fixed Stop debathenifying schroot achernya

Reported by achernya, 11 years ago.


We appear to have schroot in debathena/third/schroot from the Karmic era. We don't support Karmic, so we shouldn't still have and old copy of schroot.

#1345 fixed Replace lam and rs with FreeBSD versions, until they can be laid to rest achernya

Reported by achernya, 11 years ago.


Originally this ticket proposed death, claiming:

This is like just all over again, and we decided to punt that. Then again, lam and rs actually are pulled in by debathena-clients, so maybe they gets a gentler death.

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