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Results (118 - 120 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#447 fixed Update login session options for new gdm in karmic rbasch

Reported by rbasch, 15 years ago.


We will need to update our login session customizations for the new version of gdm in karmic. Needed changes include:

  1. Stop diverting /usr/share/gdm/BuiltInSessions/default.desktop, which does not exist in the new version. I believe this was only diverted to change the name (from "Run Xclient script"). "GNOME" is the new default session name.
  1. Our NOCALLS session is not displaying its blurb to the user, apparently because the message function is no longer available in the new /etc/gdm/Xsession. (It looks like we have other Xsession.d files using message).
  1. Review the new set of session options (in /usr/share/xsessions/). Stock set includes "GNOME", "Failsafe GNOME", and "xterm", and we will again add our "Login Without Customizations" here. We can remove the gnome-failsafe and xterm session files on cluster machines, to match what we do in the old version. We can consider adding another .desktop file if "GNOME" is deemed unsatisfactory.
#527 fixed Clean up new gdm's caching of dmrc files rbasch

Reported by rbasch, 15 years ago.


The new gdm in karmic tries to cache dmrc and face files in /var/cache/gdm/$USER/. At least for the dmrc file, this is copied from $HOME/.dmrc, if it exists (which it may not, as gdm apparently does not create it when using a default session), but the $USER subdirectory is created in any case. So we should:

1) Clean up the /var/cache/gdm/ subdirectories appropriately, at least on cluster machines.

2) Make sure we don't leave a "nocalls" default session setting in the cached dmrc, like we now do for $HOME/.dmrc.

#571 fixed kiosk extension does not work in firefox 3.6 rbasch rbasch

Reported by rbasch, 15 years ago.


The r-kiosk firefox extension that we use for our browsing option from the login window does not work in firefox 3.6, even after disabling the compatibility check. The extension's web page ( mentions an experimental version (0.8.0) for 3.6, but its download link is broken.

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