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Results (121 - 123 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1523 fixed debathena-phyesiodfs requires fuse group; configure fails if it does not exist ratinox

Reported by ratinox, 10 years ago.


The debathena-phyesiodfs package for Debian (jessie is the only one I've tested) fails to configure when the fuse group does not exist. Manually creating the fuse group (groupadd, vigr, whatever) and restarting the configuration step allows configuration to proceed normally.

Solution: package configuration should check the existence of the fuse group and run an appropriate groupadd command if it does not exist.

#92 fixed Console user group membership/device access quentin

Reported by quentin, 16 years ago.


Various devices in Debian (and presumably Ubuntu) have their access controlled by local groups; we should use pam_groups to put the console user into the appropriate groups so that they can control hardware on the system. Some groups that spring to mind on Debian:

  • video (access to V4L devices and OpenGL direct rendering)
  • dialout (access to serial ports)
  • audio (access to audio devices)
  • cdrom (raw access to CD devices)
#304 fixed evolution should default to the MIT mail account, not the local mail quentin

Reported by quentin, 15 years ago.


I've seen >5 users now be confused by seeing "On This Computer" as the default mail account and not noticing the closed "MIT mail" account. We should default to showing the MIT inbox, at least for remote Athena users.

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