Custom Query (1145 matches)
Results (127 - 129 of 1145)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#222 | wontfix | Package and install Citrix client on cluster machines | geofft | |
Description |
The client for should be installed on cluster machines and Firefox set up appropriately such that clicking a launcher on the website Just Works. This is a low priority issue, previously tracked in Jira as ATN-44. |
#232 | wontfix | Provide a supportable Ubuntu configuration of TSM | wdc | |
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Alexp has done the work of figuring out how to get TSM 5.4 working under Intrepid (including the dsmj GUI by utilizing the sun-java-6 JRE.) Temporary documentation on getting this to work is pointed to by Hermes at: There are several opportunities for improvement here:
IBM is coming out with a new version of TSM and this represents an opportunity to lobby for some important improvements: 1, Get rid of use of ksh since bash is canon nowadays, and the ksh EULA is really nasty.
use that ioctl to learn with the erase character is rather than hard coding the delete key. The erase character should be the upstream default, not requiring hand-tooling to specially fix for TSM. |
#233 | wontfix | 3D apps mostly suck on 745s with radeon drivers | jdreed | |
Description |
See ATN-57 (attached in PDF) for context. 3D applications have window refresh issues. Gaussian, ac3d and Maya are much more usable under Jaunty than Intrepid, but Gaussian still complains in the console. The 755s (with radeonhd) are fine, and the 760 is fine with the radeon driver. This really only affects the 745s. I don't want to get in the business of forcing fglrx on one type of hardware only. I propose we document the brokenness and encourage people to use a 755/760. |