Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#740 fixed Package CSAIL CA achernya quentin

Reported by quentin, 14 years ago.


Firefox et al currently don't recognize sites signed by the CSAIL CA; users get big scary warnings when they look at class websites on The CSAIL CA should be installed in all the same places the MIT CA is installed.

#1161 fixed Xauthority shouldn't be in ~ quentin

Reported by quentin, 13 years ago.


Precise puts Xauthority in ~/.Xauthority, which means you can't launch any apps when AFS is sad.

#484 wontfix Job not canceled when removed from queue pweaver

Reported by pweaver, 15 years ago.


When a job is removed using lprm and it is the active job the job still continues to print even when it is removed from the queue and the printer is restarted.

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