Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#810 invalid test jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.



#1235 fixed tellme's usage message should use basename $0 jmorzins

Reported by jmorzins, 12 years ago.


If a user runs "tellme" without any argument, the usage message that prints onscreen is confusing

The usage message uses echo "$0", but $0 is a very long path to the tellme script, which makes it hard to notice the root|combo|nmccombo options at the end.


$ tellme Usage: /afs/ root|combo|nmccombo Where:

root - tell me the Athena root password. combo - tell me the Athena Cluster combination. nmccombo - tell me the New Media Center combination.

The problem is that the tellme script in /usr/bin execs the actual tellme script from /afs/

It could be fixed by using basename to get just the base program from $0

#1201 fixed telepathy-mission-control-5 is crashy kaduk

Reported by kaduk, 12 years ago.


On precise, we seem to pretty frequently get notification popups that it has segfaulted, sometimes in exciting places like fclose(). Looking at launchpad, there are a lot of segfaults reported against it, indicating that its memory management is pretty terrible. It's Depended on by empathy, which is in turn Recommended by ubuntu-desktop. It's unclear if we can get away with punting empathy from the release, but we should probably do something so that our users don't get bombarded by these notifications.

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