Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#145 fixed We should make an Athena plymouth theme tboning broder

Reported by broder, 16 years ago.


Debathena should provide and configure an Athena-specific usplash theme instead of leaving the default Ubuntu logo.

#146 worksforme unauthenticated 'logout' fails to log out user kaduk

Reported by kaduk, 16 years ago.


If I 'kdestroy;unlog' before running logout from a terminal window, the 'logout' command appears to not actually do anything.

jdreed says he has seen this behavior as well, but it may be intermittent, or dependent on something non-obvious.

#147 wontfix athdir doesn't work in compatibility mode (ie: linuxbin) jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


athdir -t bin -p /mit/joeuser -l

Should display a list of possible bin directories, ending with /mit/joeuser/linuxbin. Instead it ends with /mit/joeuser/%mbin.

This has been broken on Linux under Athena 9 for who knows how long. (See bugs[27293]). We should either fix it, or punt support for ancient bindirs. Either is fine with me, and I'd be slightly in favor of punting, because: a) then athdir should no longer care about $ATHENA_HOSTTYPE, and we can remove that from init/cshrc; b) Nothing in "linuxbin" directories is likely to work anyway.

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