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Results (142 - 144 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#274 fixed New debathena-discuss-server breaks mail feeds and local access mitchb mitchb

Reported by mitchb, 15 years ago.


This morning, I caught the following in a DSN:

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

"|/usr/bin/dsmail -A -d /var/spool/discuss/lsc-trailers"

(reason: Can't create output) (expanded from: <lsc-trailers-mtg@…>)

----- Transcript of session follows -----

550-Can't enter transaction 550- into meeting /var/spool/discuss/lsc-trailers: Connection reset by peer 550 5.0.0 "|/usr/bin/dsmail -A -d /var/spool/discuss/lsc-trailers"... Can't c reate output

This is due to a reversion in the recently updated debathena-discuss-server package. It results in dsmail being completely unable to work, but not via a bug in dsmail itself.

Ordinarily, if root@ATHENA.MIT.EDU has bits on a meeting, then user 'root' on that server is granted those bits. This means that to set up a mail feed to a discuss archive, you figure out what user your MTA will exec dsmail as, and adjust the ACL of the meeting to grant bits to that username@ATHENA.MIT.EDU. With the revised debathena-discuss-server package, if you run discuss as some user on the local server and try to so much as add a non-public meeting, you get the "Connection reset by peer" error.

Downgrading only debathena-discuss from 10.0.8-0debathena1 to 10.0.7-0debathena3 does not fix the problem. Downgrading only debathena-discuss-server does fix the problem.

#281 fixed notify-osd misleadingly reports that print jobs have completed mitchb

Reported by mitchb, 15 years ago.


As noted on zephyr earlier, I printed a document from OpenOffice? to meadow on opus (a Jaunty -cluster machine), and immediately received a notify-osd alert that my print job had completed on meadow. It was actually reporting that it had finished spooling the job to, and of course the job on the printer had yet to start, and might well have gone on to fail.

This is, admittedly, an upstream issue. However, it's going to seriously mislead and screw with all cluster users who won't understand what it really means, so we probably want to try to suppress it. Unfortunately, it is a very nice looking notice interface... too bad it "lies." It might be neat if we could get the old xconsole messages through this interface (though that does have the issue that you can't scroll back to review messages, and if you're away from the keyboard, you'll miss them).

#295 fixed Test ticket for F11 zephyr debugging mitchb

Reported by mitchb, 15 years ago.


This is a test ticket; please ignore.

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