Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#184 fixed CUPS should support zephyr notification of print job status tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 15 years ago.


In r23954 we restored -z as the default for LPRng, which was easy enough to do with the Athena lprng servers.

Athena's CUPS servers should also gain support for sending zephyrs when your print job completes (or runs into an error), and this option should be set by default.

#186 fixed debathena-afs-config should `fs newcell` in postinst broder broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


If AFS is in use in any way when afs-config is upgraded, it'll fail to restart. If we're pushing updates to the CSDB, that means that the updates won't get taken until after a reboot (or a manual openafs-client restart).

It'd be cool if the postinst went through and ran fs newcell for each cell in the new CSDB.

#188 fixed <Tab> doesn't switch from username to password field on login screen adehnert adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 15 years ago.


The Ubuntu theme lets you use the tab key to switch between the username and password fields. Debathena cluster (or workstation, or something) machines don't seem to do this. It would be cool if they did.

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