Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#111 fixed sapgui doesn't work on debathena kchen

Reported by kchen, 16 years ago.


SAPGui (athrun sapgui saplogon) does not work on Debathena. With some trouble, one can make it past some initial errors, but not enough to make it actually useful. I'm not at a debathena machine at the moment, but was asked to file a ticket, so I can't give details, but I can fill them in later when I am at one.

#242 invalid view_home setting in .owlconf gets overridden kchen

Reported by kchen, 16 years ago.


In my .owlconf's owl::startup, I have: owl::comamnd('set view_home std');

When I start barnowl, though, "show variable view_home" says that the current value is "all".

barnowl should not override the value of view_home. Ideally, barnowl will also start with the specified value of view_home in use.

#405 fixed Uninstalling debathena-thunderbird-config breaks thunderbird kchen

Reported by kchen, 15 years ago.


I installed thunderbird and debathena-thunderbird-config, and shortly afterward, uninstalled debathena-thunderbird-config. This broke thunderbird -- attempting to launch thunderbird at that point resulted in the error:

"Failed to read the configuration file. Please contact your system administrator."

Evan mentioned that this is a Debathena bug and that I should file a ticket. The work around he gave me was to purge debathena-thunderbird-config, rather than uninstalling it.

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