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Results (160 - 162 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#665 fixed lpr/lpq/lp do not detect default printer kchen

Reported by kchen, 15 years ago.

kchen@moltres:~$ lpr

No default printer configured. Specify a -P option, or configure a
default printer via e.g. System | Administration | Printing.

When I go to System->Administration->Printing, I find that I have a default printer set (with the green checkbox). I tried setting a different default printer and then setting it back to the original, which made no difference.

kchen@moltres:~$ dpkg -l debathena*print*
| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                           Version                        Description
ii  debathena-printing-config      1.21~ubuntu10.04               Printing configuration for Debathena

My default printer is a "local" networked printer, but I also tried setting an MIT printer as the default, and also got the same error message as above.

Printing by selecting a printer from an application or running lpq -Pprinter works fine.

#746 fixed zephyr subs disappear in under a minute on kchen

Reported by kchen, 14 years ago.


I heard this happen on another machine before, but hadn't seen it myself until now. was just reinstalled yesterday or today.

paco@GASTON:~$ zctl load ; while true ; do date ; zctl ret ; sleep 10 ; done Fri Dec 3 18:00:42 EST 2010 Class sipb Instance * Recipient * Class consult Instance * Recipient * Class rcc Instance * Recipient * Class help Instance * Recipient * Class operations Instance message Recipient * Class message Instance personal Recipient paco@… Class message Instance urgent Recipient paco@… Fri Dec 3 18:00:52 EST 2010 Class sipb Instance * Recipient * Class consult Instance * Recipient * Class rcc Instance * Recipient * Class help Instance * Recipient * Class operations Instance message Recipient * Class message Instance personal Recipient paco@… Class message Instance urgent Recipient paco@… Fri Dec 3 18:01:02 EST 2010 Class sipb Instance * Recipient * Class consult Instance * Recipient * Class rcc Instance * Recipient * Class help Instance * Recipient * Class operations Instance message Recipient * Class message Instance personal Recipient paco@… Class message Instance urgent Recipient paco@… Fri Dec 3 18:01:12 EST 2010 Class sipb Instance * Recipient * Class consult Instance * Recipient * Class rcc Instance * Recipient * Class help Instance * Recipient * Class operations Instance message Recipient * Class message Instance personal Recipient paco@… Class message Instance urgent Recipient paco@… Fri Dec 3 18:01:22 EST 2010 Fri Dec 3 18:01:32 EST 2010

#1065 worksforme Installing debathena-thirdparty uninstalls debathena-workstation kchen

Reported by kchen, 13 years ago.


I just newly installed an amd64 lucid machine and then installed debathena-workstation. After that completed, I installed debathena-thirdparty. When I did so, debathena-workstation was uninstalled. (I didn't pay enough attention during the initial prompt to see whether apt-get said it was going to remove it, but I noticed when the install messages were going by.) When the debathena-thirdparty install completed, I installed debathena-workstation once again with no problem, and debathena-thirdparty was not uninstalled.

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