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Results (169 - 171 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#751 fixed Begin de-support effort for Hardy jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


It is now time to start ramping down support for Hardy. Lucid has been out for 7 months, and Canonical's support for Hardy on the desktop ends in April with the release of Natty.

The most important step here is communication, so we should consider sending mail to debathena-announce early in IAP encouraging users to start investigating upgrades.

I'm aware that "Server" support for Hardy continues into 2013, however discussion at release-team suggests that "Server" does not necessarily mean what we think it means. Regardless, we can stop building for hardy without pulling the archive entirely, right? (Right?)

#758 wontfix floatflt.sty missing in Lucid jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


The Interwebs suggest that floatflt.sty has been removed from Texlive due to license wankery[1]. We should distribute it ourselves.

See also #508.


#759 fixed The rescue-mode-based Athena force-updater is multiply-broken under Lucid jdreed amb

Reported by amb, 14 years ago.


The rescue-mode-based Athena force updater offers to "shutdown and restart" but really just powers off. (This is particularly troublesome with the 32 quickstations.) Also, it apparently doesn't have network under Lucid so can't really update anyway.

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