Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#999 fixed stage1 should use "da/" prefix for passing kernel arguments jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


Because every byte counts.

#1177 fixed sslh on the dialups? adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 12 years ago.


To transition the name over to athena.dialup, we want users to be able to ssh in on port 443, in addition to using shellinabox or whatever (see #1178).

#205 fixed ssh changes behavior from Athena 9, does not delegate tickets by default jhamrick jmorzins

Reported by jmorzins, 16 years ago.



When trying out a debathena machine today, I noticed that the behavior of ssh has changed.

On an Athena 9 computer, if I "ssh" to another kerberized system, ssh does not ask for my password. It uses my kerberos tickets, and I connect.

On the machine I tried today, ssh seemed not to use my kerberos tickets. I had to type a password in order to connect to the remote host.

For ssh to require passwords is a fairly visible behavior change, at least to the people who use ssh. If a lot of people use ssh, I anticipate getting a lot of questions about the change.

(I commented about my observations on zephyr today, and was told that this ssh change may have been a deliberate choice, but was asked to file a ticket in trac.)


-Jacob Morzinski

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