Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#793 fixed lightdm-config should be able display a MOTD on the login screen jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


We should package yet another gdm-config applet to display the contents of a file on the login screen, if that file exists. This would, for example, allow us to ship that file on Jaunty which informs users that they should upgrade their machines.

We could also possibly source a second, sysadmin-controlled file, to emulate the old motd2 functionality from xlogin.

#816 fixed debathena-nologin-monitor may not reliably work jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


I kicked off an update on m56-129-16 today via at(1) and no message appeared on the login screen. The update definitely occurred, as verified by the disk thrashing, and the update log timestamps.

However this machine had other issues, in that the GNOME theme was incorrect on the login screen (it displayed the computer icon instead of the ubuntu icon, and displayed the red power button instead of the gray one. We should do a bit more testing and verify that nologin-monitor actually works on lucid (since it was initially deployed on Jaunty and I haven't tested it since).

#817 fixed Athinfo query for USB HIDs jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


A common problem in the clusters is mice and keyboards walking off. It might be helpful to hotline if they could check remotely what was missing so they had the necessary components with them when they visited clusters. In our modern USB world, this is trivial. I propose an athinfo "usb-hid" query (I'd also be fine with a generic lsusb, but whatever). If we install python-usb in the clusters, this Python snippet should do what we want:


import usb

protocols = { 1: 'keyboard',
              2: 'mouse'}

found = { 'keyboard' : 'no',
          'mouse' : 'no' }

for b in usb.busses():
    for d in b.devices:
        i = d.configurations[0].interfaces[0][0]
        if i.interfaceClass == 3 and \
            i.interfaceProtocol in protocols.keys():
                found[protocols[i.interfaceProtocol]] = 'yes'

print found
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