Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1238 fixed Support for Unity and Upstart user sessions jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


And you can't use any other window manager, because regular unity is implemented as a compiz plugin. We need to test Quantal on all current cluster hardware and come up with a plan for this. At the moment, it's basically unusable on VMware, which severly hampers my testing.

#1237 invalid restricted-drivers notifications may be back in Precise on cluster jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


We have one anecdotal report of this in 1-115? It looks like maybe jockey-gtk is doing something clever with D-Bus now? More information is needed.

#1235 fixed tellme's usage message should use basename $0 jmorzins

Reported by jmorzins, 12 years ago.


If a user runs "tellme" without any argument, the usage message that prints onscreen is confusing

The usage message uses echo "$0", but $0 is a very long path to the tellme script, which makes it hard to notice the root|combo|nmccombo options at the end.


$ tellme Usage: /afs/ root|combo|nmccombo Where:

root - tell me the Athena root password. combo - tell me the Athena Cluster combination. nmccombo - tell me the New Media Center combination.

The problem is that the tellme script in /usr/bin execs the actual tellme script from /afs/

It could be fixed by using basename to get just the base program from $0

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