Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#818 fixed Run athinfod during the install jdreed geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


#817 and the fact that thumbdrives plugged in during a PXE install can cause strange things to happen reminded me that we do want athinfod running during the install, with at least a query to track install progress.

This would involve

  • figuring out what athinfo queries are reasonable to want during debian-installer (much of the hardware stuff is probably reasonable)
  • building debathena-athinfod-udeb, with as few Debathena deps as possible
  • picking up that udeb early in the install process
  • logging the output of (which I think we already do, actually)

There's also probably an argument for running athinfod in if you're installing workstation, but I'm not immediately convinced.

#842 duplicate Once Pharos is here, stop BrowsePolling jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


Once Pharos is here, we should stop BrowsePolling?. Instead, cupsys-config and cluster-cups-config should essentially be the same thing, which is a package that adds one queue called "mitprint" (while checking for name collisions). Then all Athena machines will have the cluster and dorm printers pre-configured, and -workstation and lower can do what they like with their departmental printers.

#848 fixed The major metapackages should stop being equivs packages jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


We're forced to play stupid games with dependencies, because we can't build different versions of the metapackages for different releases. I'm no longer convinced that the benefit of equivs packages outweighs the ability to do that.

This would also allow us to have a unified build procedure.

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