Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1229 fixed Update machtype for quantal and wheezy jdreed
#1226 fixed debathena-nmh FTFBS on wheezy jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.

dpatch  deapply-all
nmh-mhshow_pager not applied to ./ .
05-base64-64bit-bigendiannmh-mbx_close does not exist.

This is almost certainly because mbx_close has been patched upstream.

I'm fairly certain the right answer here is to stop Debathenifying NMH. The only other patch we apply is the one to use the mime locker for ALL THE ATTACHMENTs, which is no longer useful or right.

#1225 invalid debathena-lprng FTFBS on wheezy jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.

make[1]: Entering directory `/build/builder-debathena-lprng_3.8.B-2debathena8~debian7.0~0.4-amd64-HZ6cQr/debathena-lprng-3.8.B'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `debian/debathena-lprng.init', needed by `override_dh_auto_install'.  Stop.
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