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Results (184 - 186 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#677 wontfix [printing] 9050s rotate A4 documents kaduk

Reported by kaduk, 15 years ago.


Not sure if this is a debathena bug or not, but when I spool an A4 document to celine (which is new printer hardware), and press the green button to accept letter paper from the trays, the (portrait) document comes out on landscape paper, which is not terribly useful. I believe that the old hardware did not perform this rotation.

#683 wontfix find 32-bit-only locker software that won't work on 64-bit machines geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


I made a first-order estimate of libraries that don't exist in 32-bit compatibility versions on 64-bit systems at  /mit/geofft/debathena/missing-32bit-libraries.txt.

   debathena / release-team@ / jdreed  20:56  (This zephyr does not necessarily
       Given the size of the list, I kind of wonder if including it anywhere
       is even remotely useful
   debathena / release-team@ / geofft  21:04  (Geoffrey Thomas)
       We could also run the awesomely sketchy thing that generated
       debathena-athena-libraries on a second pass, and have it print the
       names of programs that don't have amd64 arch versions and depend on
       missing libraries                            
   debathena / release-team@ / jdreed  21:05  (This zephyr does not necessarily 
       Can you file a ticket for that if you think it's a good idea
#689 wontfix debathena-nologin-monitor doesn't display the contents of /etc/nologin jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


It should.

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