Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#727 wontfix build-all: stamps directory should be less silly geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


The build-all infrastructure uses /mit/debathena/machines/$machine/stamps.$suite for the stamps directory. $machine is hard-coded to "awesome-build-server", which is a symlink to debuild. The other directory, mega-man, corresponds to something that has been a SIPB office head and not a build server for about three years. We haven't created a new stamps directory when we moved from debuild to zulu, and haven't ever moved away from the "awesome-build-server" symlink.

This is all silly. We should just use /mit/debathena/stamps or a build-all/stamps or something.

#739 wontfix the installer should not be in an arch symlink farm jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


It's entirely pointless for the canonical installer location to be in in /afs/ At the very least, the final directory in the tree should be a symlink to somewhere non-arch-specific.

#741 wontfix tab completion of printer names geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


I want lpq -Paca[TAB] to expand it to -Pacantha, etc. Same for lp -d and everything else that takes a printer name.

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