Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#604 fixed Send nmh-mbx_close.dpatch upstream geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


We have a patch (originally r14162) from ten years ago to handle the case of close() failing, which prevents you from losing your mail if you inc close to quota. We should get it upstream sometime within the next ten years.

#359 fixed Sending all of dmesg to wslogger is kind of obnoxious geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


cfox reports that the entire kernel boot process is sent to wslogger (see /mit/cfox/Public/hayden-1 for an example); indeed, our syslog transformer adds *.warning;kern,user, @WSLOGGER.MIT.EDU That probably wants to be restricted to only high-priority kernel messages.

#157 fixed sendbug cancel fails wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


As per report filed in bugs:

Repeat by:

  1. Applications->System Tools->Report an Athena bug
  2. In the :Add a new entry alert, instead of specifying a program,

click the "Cancel" button.

Expected behavior:

Sendbug should have aborted.

Actual behavior:

An alert popped up letting me know I was going to get a text editor window to report my bug. Indeed, the editor window popped up after that.

This is, perhaps a cosmetic bug, but a user did trouble themself to report it...

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