Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1068 fixed Hardy's hpijs-ppds does not contain hp-laserjet_9050-hpijs-pcl3.ppd jdreed geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


Take a look at the  file list; it does contain /usr/share/ppd/hpijs/HP/HP-LaserJet_9050-hpijs.ppd, which might be close enough?

Lucid and later and Lenny and later all seem to have the file we want, though.

(I got a (soft) failure to install the mitprint printer on a Hardy VM server.)

#1089 fixed gen-build-deps only reflects one level of depth jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


In attempting to build for oneiric, we ran into a couple of failures:

  • cupsys-config build-deps on cupsys-hack, but nothing provides cupsys-hack, so it doesn't get listed in and cupsys-config lacks build-deps. We "fixed" this by removing cupsys-hack since it's no longer needed.
  • athinfod-cluster-config build-deps athinfod, which deps machtype, but again, this was not reflected in, so athinfod-cluster-config couldn't build. I see no where in gen-build-deps where this relationship could possible be described

Do we know for sure that this ever actually worked correctly? Or were our dependencies so simple before we never noticed that this has always been broken?

#1148 fixed Bump PXE server to Precise pending HW support jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


At some point, Dell will likely come out with new hardware. It may or may not work with Natty. We should consider bumping the PXE server stage1 kernel to Precise, pending confirmation of hardware support.

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