Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (208 - 210 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#872 wontfix reactivate needs to recreate /etc/nologin symlink each time the snapshot is created jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


intiscripts apparently scribbled over /etc/nologin (I have no idea how, since this test should not be true: [ ! -L /etc/nologin ] && [ ! -e /etc/nologin ] ). But it did. This caused gdm-config to get an inotify event and now a bunch of cluster machines have "This workstation is out of service". I have pushed gdm-config out, which should gradually fix things, but still.

We should come up with a better solution, or decide that logging in during an update is not a bad thing.

#880 wontfix associate .ram files with RealPlayer geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


XINE doesn't have the necessary codecs to play 7.013's lecture videos.

(Alternatively, we could extract those codecs from RealPlayer? and give them to XINE...)

#884 wontfix autodebathenify should not take its ball and go home if a single release build fails jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


If building for, say, natty, fails, it should not affect the other 7 releases we're building for. Autodebathenify should have per-release (possibly also per-package) .suppress files.

Of course, now that #243 is fixed, it may be easier to just stop using autodebathenify once the non-dkms releases fall out of support.

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