Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (214 - 216 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1571 fixed update CellServDB jweiss

Reported by jweiss, 9 years ago.


DebAthena? distributes a CellServDB in the debathena-afs-config package. I've updated the CellServDB in /afs/ based on the version that comes with openafs 1.6.16, and the DebAthena? package should be updated at some point.

#205 fixed ssh changes behavior from Athena 9, does not delegate tickets by default jhamrick jmorzins

Reported by jmorzins, 16 years ago.



When trying out a debathena machine today, I noticed that the behavior of ssh has changed.

On an Athena 9 computer, if I "ssh" to another kerberized system, ssh does not ask for my password. It uses my kerberos tickets, and I connect.

On the machine I tried today, ssh seemed not to use my kerberos tickets. I had to type a password in order to connect to the remote host.

For ssh to require passwords is a fairly visible behavior change, at least to the people who use ssh. If a lot of people use ssh, I anticipate getting a lot of questions about the change.

(I commented about my observations on zephyr today, and was told that this ssh change may have been a deliberate choice, but was asked to file a ticket in trac.)


-Jacob Morzinski

#1086 fixed add WIN.MIT.EDU to krb5.conf jmorzins

Reported by jmorzins, 13 years ago.



I'd like to use kerberized services on hosts.

I have difficulty with stock debathena, because krb5.conf does not know to map hostnames to the WIN.MIT.EDU kerberos realm.

Would it be possible to add two new lines to the [domain_realm] section of krb5.conf? = WIN.MIT.EDU = WIN.MIT.EDU

I've locally added these lines to my own krb5.conf, and they work fine - they allow me to run ldapsearch against


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