Custom Query (1145 matches)
Results (214 - 216 of 1145)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#236 | fixed | erlang-base conflicts erlang-doc-html on jaunty | broder | broder |
Description |
erlang-base conflicts with erlang-doc-html (<< ${Upstream-Version}), even though erlang-doc-html is a completely separate source package. It's a cute trick, so long as the two packages stay in sync. Unfortunately, erlang-base was manually synced into Jaunty after the DebianImportFreeze?, and nobody thought to grab erlang-doc-html as well. This makes the two uninstallable, which means that thirdparty also won't currently install on Jaunty. I see two options:
I don't know which is more likely to happen in bounded time. In the mean time, we should make erlang-doc-html a recommendation of thirdparty-languages instead of a dependency. |
#237 | fixed | Use icedtea6-plugin for Java | andersk | |
Description |
In theory, debathena-extra-software would like to include the open-source icedtea6-plugin instead of the proprietary sun-java6-plugin. This is currently not possible because icedtea6-plugin doesn’t work in AFS home directories ( icedtea:166). If there are any other known problems with icedtea6-plugin for Debathena, we should track them here. |
#238 | fixed | add one-character aliases to discuss | kaduk | |
Description |
Add 'n' as an alias for 'next', and 'back' and 'b' as aliases for 'prev' (since 'p' is mapped to 'print') |