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Results (217 - 219 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#602 fixed AppArmor needs to support Xauthority files outside of $HOME gdb broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/X gives access to @{HOME}/.Xauthority

However, we don't put Xauthority files in $HOME; we put them in /var/run/athena-sessions to better handle multiple simultaneous logins from different machines.

We should add /var/run/xauth-* to the whitelist.

#610 fixed Fix apparmor and nsswitch interactions broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


debathena-nsswitch-config diverts /etc/nsswitch.conf.debathena.

/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/nameservice in AppArmor? will presumably prevent enforcing apps from reading that file.

We should fix that.

#611 fixed Fix apparmor and ntp interactions broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


Courtesy of our ongoing war with AppArmor?, it looks like it's preventing ntpd from reading /etc/ntp.conf.debathena.

I propose that this explains why mega-man's clock has had an irritating tendency to get substantially off on a regular basis.

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