Custom Query (1145 matches)
Results (235 - 237 of 1145)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#259 | fixed | The PXE installer should say Debathena where it currently says Athena 10 | amb | jdreed |
Description |
The PXE menu and the installation process should probably have Athena 10 replaced with "Debathena" in most places before the fall. |
#260 | fixed | PXE installer: make danger as obvious as possible | nocturne | |
Description |
In the Athena-10 PXE-installer menu, (c.f., I'd suggest rephrasing option (1) to make it as obvious as possible to a casual/careless user that this option erases all their data. Instead of "Perform an unattended Athena 10 install, WIPING OUT your ENTIRE DISK", I might suggest "DESTROY ALL DATA ON your COMPUTER'S DISK and perform an unattended Athena 10 install", which both mentions the erasure before "Athena 10", and is somewhat more readable to particularly naive users than "wipe out your disk". |
#261 | invalid | debathena-discuss-server shouldn't assume inetd | mitchb | |
Description |
When I took the debathena-discuss-server update this morning, I noticed the following message: The following line will be added to your /etc/inetd.conf file: discuss\tstream\ttcp\tnowait\tdiscuss\t/usr/sbin/discussd If you are indeed using xinetd, you will have to convert the above into /etc/xinetd.conf format, and add it manually. See /usr/share/doc/xinetd/README.Debian for more information. First, the "\t"s above are literal - they displayed as "\t" on the screen, which is probably an error. Second, even Hardy, which is the oldest supported Ubuntu release, uses xinetd, so the package should probably know how to detect and configure xinetd correctly. |