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Results (241 - 243 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#265 fixed debathena-counterlog: athena-counterlog should be in /usr/lib geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


As best as I can tell, the athena-counterlog program in the debathena-counterlog package is only meant to be called from cron rather than by a person, so it should live in /usr/lib, not /usr/bin.

#266 fixed debathena-discuss: missing manpages jdreed geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


The crmtgs, dsc_setup, dspipe, mkds, pmtg, and rmds commands in the debathena-discuss package are all missing manpages.

I don't know what they do, because they don't have manpages, but I suspect some of them belong in /usr/sbin instead of /usr/bin because they're only useful for the local discuss administrator.

#267 wontfix debathena-finger: finger does not have its own manpage geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


The Athena version of the finger command does not provide its own manpage. It also doesn't divert the manpage from the version provided by the finger package, so you see an incorrect manpage if you have it installed (which you do if you have acpi-support installed, among other things).

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