Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (265 - 267 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1096 invalid dasource should intelligently handle repo URL geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


It'd be cool if our tools defaulted to using the public SVN repo URL, and let you configure when you wanted the private URL. (Possibly with a config file in your homedir, maybe even ~/.devscripts.) At the least, it shouldn't hardcode the private URL and also not give even an environment variable to override it.

#1125 invalid debathena-dns-config install hangs on squeeze geofft

Reported by geofft, 12 years ago.


If you install debathena-dns-config on squeeze, you get something like this:

Starting domain name service...: bind9resolvconf: Error: /etc/resolvconf/run/interface is not a directory
invoke-rc.d.debathena-orig: initscript bind9, action "start" failed.

This hangs with a defunct bind9.postinst process that can't be Ctrl-C'd. If you go and kill the perl debconf frontend that was wrapping the postinst, then the install proceeds with

dpkg: error processing bind9 (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script killed by signal (Terminated)
configured not to write apport reports
                                      Setting up resolvconf (1.46) ...
mkdir: created directory `/lib/init/rw/resolvconf'
mkdir: created directory `/lib/init/rw/resolvconf/interface'

at which point aptitude does the "trying to recover" thing by re-trying setting up bind9, which succeeds, which finally permits installing debathena-dns-config.

I've reproduced this on linerva/linerva-dev/linerva-test and tyger.

#1142 invalid -workstation should not install build-depends jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


If you want to build Debathena software, go install build-depends yourself. This currently leads to stupid things like the maybe-foo packages being installed, and requires aptitude's dependency resolver to resolve the ubufox->xul-ext-ubufox transition, when that shouldn't have been necessary.

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