Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (25 - 27 of 1145)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1441 fixed Make /mit/debathena/apt/db world-readable vasilvv

Reported by vasilvv, 11 years ago.


I see no reason for this to be read-restricted to buildserver and debathena-root, and I find the fact I can't read it with my null instance fairly annoying in practice, because I can't automatically resnapshot my local APT copy).

I intend to fix this unless someone tells me there's a good reason for this.

#1448 fixed debathena-apparmor-config FTBFS on trusty vasilvv

Reported by vasilvv, 10 years ago.


debian/transform_X.debathena regular expression fails with apparmor 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu2, which is the version in trusty.

#1449 fixed python-discuss should actually install /etc/discuss directory vasilvv

Reported by vasilvv, 10 years ago.


Because right now the packaging does not do that. Apparently I completely forgot about it.

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