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Results (268 - 270 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1143 invalid nss_nonlocal allegedly breaks with recent glibc geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


In the discussion on sssd-devel about security equivalent to nss-nonlocal, they  pointed out that there are some changes to the initgroups interface that affect our abuse of internal glibc APIs.

 This message has some more details about a new option, which sounds like a relevant part of the change:

However, recently glibc added an option so that you can segregate initgroups too. In general we try not to use it becaus ein many cases people do want to have the memberships calculated through all group backends. However if you enable "initgroupos: files sss", the getgrouplist call do not continue past files into sss if entries are found in files. I am not sure I like this option, as it is rather new, undocumented, and the semantics may not be really useful, but you may want to experiment with it if you have a new enough glibc. (Was committed to glibc upstream repo on may 10 2011)

#1168 invalid Some combination of ConsoleKit, LightDM, or our greeter sucks jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


On Precise, after returning to the login screen after the first login, I can't reboot/shutdown from the greeter, and get a "Authorization is required" error from ConsoleKit?, and CK debug info shows "CkManager?: Unable to lookup cookie for caller - failing".

Adding session optional to /etc/pam.d/lightdm fixes this. I don't understand why.

In many respects, this is like  DebianBug:597937, but not exactly.

#1184 invalid vinagre missing in debathena-precise alexp alexp

Reported by alexp, 13 years ago.


vinagre seems to have gone missing in the precise release. Can it be added back please?

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