Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (295 - 297 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#549 fixed DEB_UN{DIVERT,REMOVE}_FILES always conditionalizes on upgrade version broder

Reported by broder, 14 years ago.


The automatically generated maintainer script code generated by both DEB_UNDIVERT_FILES and DEB_UNREMOVE_FILES always checks and conditionalizes the undiversion on the version being upgraded from.

This isn't always desirable, as sometimes our reasons for removing diversions are tied to other factors.

For example, in kerberos-config, we want to remove the krb.conf diversion if you're upgrading to a version of kerberos-config on a krb4-less platform.

A mechanism to remove a diversion iff it exists already would be sufficient for all the cases we've currently run into. I'm thinking something like setting DEB_UNDIVERT_VERSION_file = all for the interface.

#550 fixed Use dh_gconf instead of gconftool-2 in cluster-login-config broder

Reported by broder, 14 years ago.


Right now we set a bunch of mandatory settings by hand using gconftool-2 in cluster-login-config's postinst.

As of Karmic/Lucid/Squeeze?, dh_gconf supports having debian/package.gconf-mandatory files in addition to debian/package.gconf-defaults files. We should switch to using those after there are no longer Jaunty cluster machines.

#552 fixed auto-update should set UCF_FORCE_CONFFNEW on -cluster broder

Reported by broder, 14 years ago.


On cluster machines, auto-update should set UCF_FORCE_CONFFNEW for the same reason we're passing --force-confnew.

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