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Results (295 - 297 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1462 fixed Punt debathena-build-depends jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 10 years ago.


Per discussion on the mailing list, we should drop debathena-build-depends, because the code to generate it is ugly, and modern build tools automatically resolve build-dependencies, including disjunctions. Building Debathena packages without a modern build tool is not a supported operation.

#888 fixed Pull in new moira jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


moira's r4038 fixes a crash in moira(1) that was being encountered in the field (by accounts, at least). We should get a new svn checkout (and we should make sure the process to do so is documented somewhere useful if it isn't already).

#859 wontfix publicly-readable real-time Subversion repo access geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


The current public source repository, /afs/ (served via  svn://, is updated periodically by a cronjob that has read access to the real repository at This means that people reading commit zephyrs won't be able to look at the commit immediately, nor will Trac show the commit in the browser immediately. The same is true of the public source checkout in the "source" locker.

It would be nice to have this updated more quickly. There are two possible solutions I see:

  1. Update the mirror and the checkout from a post-commit hook. Greg Hudson says that the reason this currently doesn't happen is that post-commit hooks don't get environment variables, and therefore don't have tickets to use to "aklog dev". When we move to the athena cell, this may become much easier. You could also imagine some process involving calling a CGI to go do the fetch, or something.
  2. Have a svnserve pointed at the real /svn/athena. Is this what is for?
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