Ticket #1517 (new enhancement)

Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

Ship a postfix config

Reported by: jdreed Owned by:
Priority: high Milestone: Current Semester
Component: -- Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in version:
Upstream bug:


As of trusty, cluster machines now end up with postfix, not debathena-msmtp-mta, because of debathena-debian-dev, which pulls in sbuild, which has a disjunction for postfix | mail-transport-agent. We all agreed that debathena-msmtp-mta is not as useful as we'd like it to be. Can we come up with a reasonable postfix config that uses tickets and talks to outgoing when possible? Right now, the default postfix config does direct delivery, which is fine, but we should try and make it do the right thing.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by jweiss

Note that direct delivery means that after the remote system accepts the mail, if anything generates a bounce the user will never see it. This is because our mail system will see a bounce for a message it never sent out, decide it's a bounce attack and double-bounce it. I'm not sure how much regular users look at bounces these days, so I'm not sure how much it matters but I'm sure some people would care (I would, but we all know I'm not a good sample set for email issues.)

My current Trusty dialup image is using the same (slightly customized) debathena-msmtp configuration that the Precise dialups are.

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