


13:18 Changeset [6477] by epeisach
Discovered that when an error from ss_parse is registered, the argc_ptr is left in a garbage state which caused ss_execute_line to SEGV because it tested for the argc being 0 (instead of the return value). All documentation found did not indicate the return status in this situatuation. An alternate fix would have been to ss_execute_line checking for the NULL. The authors intentions are not really known.
13:17 Changeset [6476] by epeisach
Initial revision


07:36 Changeset [6475] by probe
CS.BERKELEY.EDU realm no longer exists (okeeffe has been decomissioned)


02:25 Changeset [6474] by probe
Don't return more user information than should be returned when bogus names are requested ("" and digits)


13:54 Changeset [6473] by probe
Make sure we reset "locations" if we had an error (ulogin_add_user) Do not pass the end of the message and then check (ulogin_parse) Made ulogin_find a little easier to follow and less prone to fenceposts.
13:48 Changeset [6472] by probe
Avoid an empty "if" statement


22:10 Changeset [6471] by probe
Changed some of the logging levels
17:46 Changeset [6470] by cfields
Initial revision
13:57 Changeset [6469] by cfields
Initial revision
12:16 Changeset [6468] by probe
Fixed "undeclared variable errno"
12:04 Changeset [6467] by probe
Use proper syslogging.
08:48 Changeset [6466] by probe
Discard packets that are faking their source address. Only permissible exception: authentic and source is
08:47 Changeset [6465] by probe
Changed log level of recover_clt messages to LOG_INFO (happen frequently)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.