- 02:07 Ticket #1076 (Get rid of -branding packages) created by
- GDM 2 is slowly dying. More importantly, there appears to be …
- 01:28 Changeset [25395] by
- In extra-software-nox: * Prefer the cyrus-clients metapackage (new in wheezy/oneiric) to the specific version cyrus-clients-2.2.
- 16:54 Ticket #124 (De-crustify the CellServDB) closed by
- wontfix: This is a daunting task, and ops now regularly updates from GCO. It is …
- 16:42 Changeset [25394] by
- In afs-config: * CellServDB update from /afs/athena/service/CellServDB (remove soap.mit.edu and update to 14 Aug 2011 GCO Public CellServDB).
- 13:43 Ticket #878 (Remove spurious shell check in bashrc) closed by
- fixed
- 13:42 Ticket #921 (Clean up comments and info in prototype_user files) closed by
- fixed
- 13:42 Ticket #1017 (mitprint should be the default printer) closed by
- fixed
- 12:58 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by
- (diff)
- 12:44 Ticket #1075 (Trac should support security-sensitive tickets) created by
- I hear Scripts might have done something awesome that we can copy?
- 12:43 Ticket #1074 (D-Bus-activated services run outside the chroot) created by
- D-Bus has a facility for running services when you send a message to a …
- 10:44 Changeset [25393] by
- In moira: * Revert eunice.c to Moira r3998 / Debathena r24319 because the corresponding functionality on the server is not yet available, per zacheiss
- 02:12 Ticket #1073 (getent passwd_nonlocal should work) created by
- It would be nice if nss_nonlocal provided a wrapper around getent (or a …
- 12:31 Ticket #1072 (moira-gui fails silently with expired tickets) created by
- When launched from the menu, moira-gui does nothing when tickets have …
- 12:15 Changeset [25392] by
- Remove the for loops and tweak the B&W description
- 12:06 Changeset [25391] by
- In xsession: * Be even more clear abouyt how to get a TTY login session
- 02:05 Ticket #1071 (Eliminate code duplication between installer and athena-renumber) created by
- Both the installer and athena-renumber in debathena-recovery-mode-config …
- 02:02 Ticket #1070 (recovery-mode-config does not set /etc/hosts correctly) created by
- The athena-renumber script writes out the line […] to /etc/hosts. …
- 02:00 Ticket #1069 (recovery-mode-config does not downcase hostnames) created by
- Hello from QUICK-STATALIB2!
- 18:25 Changeset [25390] by
- In cupsys-config: * Add the color printer
- 03:55 Ticket #1068 (Hardy's hpijs-ppds does not contain hp-laserjet_9050-hpijs-pcl3.ppd) created by
- Take a look at the …
- 03:53 Ticket #1067 (incorrect dependency in debathena-cupsys-config) created by
- What you want is the PPD, not hpijs itself, which only Recommends …
- 14:34 Ticket #1066 (athena-dist has bitrotted; it's not 1995 anymore) created by
- In addition to #1064, I think a lot of athena-dist is actively harmful …
- 11:01 Changeset [25389] by
- In moira: * Use a less stupid version number for this package.
- 18:10 Ticket #1065 (Installing debathena-thirdparty uninstalls debathena-workstation) created by
- I just newly installed an amd64 lucid machine and then installed …
- 15:06 Ticket #1064 (achernya should release a hesiod 3.1.1 tarball) created by
- Since we changed the GECOS field or something.
- 13:10 Ticket #1063 (Confirm output resolution of Pharos) created by
- I would be much obliged if someone can confirm the output resolution of …
- 20:40 Ticket #1062 (printing-config should respect local printer over Hesiod default) created by
- Hi Jon, have a ticket.
- 05:35 Ticket #1061 (config-package-dev: undivert_unlink passes undivert_unlink_divert an extra ...) created by
- undivert_unlink calls […] but undivert_unlink_divert is […] and so …
- 05:25 Ticket #1060 (/etc/krb.* transition not managed well) created by
- We have the following code in debathena-krb5-config's debian/rules: […] …
- 05:25 Ticket #1059 (/etc/gdm/gdm.conf* transition not managed well) created by
- We have the following code in gdm-config's debian/rules: […] However, …
- 05:24 Ticket #1058 (/etc/firefox-3.0/pref/ubufox.js transition not managed well) created by
- We have the following code in firefox-extension's debian/rules: […] …
- 05:24 Ticket #1057 (/etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home.d transition not managed well) created by
- We have the following code in apparmor-config's debian/rules: […] …
- 04:29 Ticket #1056 (DEB_UNDIVERT_FILES should clean up .debathena conffiles) created by
- If you used to have DEB_DIVERT_FILES = a confflie, c-p-d should …
- 14:17 Changeset [25388] by
- In moira: * Re-snapshot moira at r4048
- 11:34 Ticket #1055 (update_server is enabled on all fresh installs because of broken dpkg ...) created by
- 11:34 Changeset [25387] by
- In moira: * Use correct lt-nl comparison in moira-update-server postinst to avoid enabling update_server everywhere.
- 11:28 Ticket #556 (chsh.moira shouldn't use /etc/shells) reopened by
- Guess why this didn't work when Geoff tested it: `#ifndef …
- 16:21 Changeset [25386] by
- In thirdparty-sound: * Add rhythmbox In thirdparty-text: * Add artha and gnome-dictionary if they exist
- 12:34 Ticket #1054 (cluster reboots sometimes hang (3)) created by
- Sometimes, when a cluster machine decides that it wants to reboot as a …
- 12:28 Ticket #1053 (cluster reboots sometimes hang (2)) created by
- Sometimes, when a cluster machine decides it wants to reboot as a user is …
- 12:24 Ticket #1052 (cluster reboots sometimes hang (1)) created by
- Sometimes, when a cluster machine decides it wants to reboot as a user is …
- 10:02 Changeset [25385] by
- In reactivate: * Stop kexec'ing, because modern distributions are incapable of doing so without sucking
- 14:53 Ticket #1051 (Consider shipping the DKMS init script) closed by
- invalid: Zephyr discussion notes that we already decided that the "dpkg --configure …
- 14:08 Ticket #1051 (Consider shipping the DKMS init script) created by
- I know upstream decided not to, but upstream's priorities are "Machines …
- 22:51 Ticket #1050 (nsswitch-config: path to libnss-mdns.postinst might change with multiarch) created by
- If libnss-mdns is converted to a Multi-Arch: same package, …
- 22:47 Ticket #1049 (config-package-dev can’t transform non-conffiles files in Multi-Arch: same ...) created by
- [ http://andersk.mit.edu/gitweb/config-package-dev.git/commitdiff/refs/heads …
- 18:50 Ticket #1048 (Consider moving back to dm/xlogin) created by
- Because it's less stupid than anything upstream could do at this point.
- 20:41 Changeset [25384] by
- In xsession: * Be clearer about what the first quota warning means (Trac: #748)
- 20:24 Ticket #708 (Consider disabling DontZap) closed by
- wontfix: Meh, wontfix.
- 20:08 Ticket #1047 (Consider switching from Firefox to Chrome) created by
- The only reason we don't have Chrome/Chromium? on the clusters through a …
- 16:58 Ticket #1046 (Kill debathena-tex-bin) created by
- There are no more releases we care about that predate texlive. Let's kill …
- 16:53 Ticket #895 (Switch to hpijs drivers for our printing) closed by
- wontfix
- 14:00 Ticket #1045 (Pharos backend) created by
- Because of LP:826958, our instructions for configuring Pharos on Linux …
- 13:57 Changeset [25383] by
- In pharos-support: * First version
- 12:33 Changeset [25382] by
- In kiosk: * Support FF 6
- 12:20 Ticket #1042 (Test extension with FF 6) closed by
- fixed
- 11:49 Ticket #1044 (FF will soon include Windows-esque UAC) created by
- davidben pointed us at …
- 09:59 Ticket #696 (Can't login without mouse) closed by
- fixed
- 09:40 Changeset [25381] by
- In firefox-extension: * Set maxVersion to * to keep up with Mozilla's hourly release cycle
- 09:12 Ticket #1043 (Net install maybe sucks?) created by
- release-team:7605 documents a case where a CD install worked fine, but a …
- 22:08 Ticket #1042 (Test extension with FF 6) created by
- ... which released today. Yay. While we're at it: a) convince me that …
- 09:13 Ticket #1041 (Ejecting removable media results in spurious errors on Natty cluster) created by
- The games we play with bind-mounting apparently work less well in modern …
- 22:03 Changeset [25380] by
- machtype: Add comment to debian/rules about sysname order
- 16:11 Ticket #1040 (natty broke lpd://user@foo URLs) created by
- See http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/eoDD for an example of this. It worked …
- 19:07 Ticket #1039 (login-graphical probably doesn't support GNOME 3 at all) created by
- The next versions of Debian and Ubuntu will probably use GNOME 3 with …
- 18:55 Ticket #949 (edsc explodes on encountering old discussd) closed by
- fixed: This is really somewhere between "fixed" and "invalid," but it's not quite …
- 18:52 Ticket #949 (edsc explodes on encountering old discussd) reopened by
- 18:42 Ticket #949 (edsc explodes on encountering old discussd) closed by
- duplicate: duplicate of #603
- 18:09 Changeset [25379] by
- In dotfiles: * Update logout alias for GNOME 3.0 (Trac: #1027)
- 17:41 Ticket #1038 (Don't scribble over the utility partition) created by
- PC service would appreciate it if we could keep the utility partition …
- 17:40 Ticket #903 (See if Pharos can support raw PostScript) closed by
- fixed: -o raw works with very simple PostScript? (~/Public/linux.ps) and I get …
- 17:11 Ticket #210 (Make Evolution work with Exchange) closed by
- wontfix
- 16:47 Ticket #484 (Job not canceled when removed from queue) closed by
- wontfix: I tested this. waiteof will wait for the job to terminate as far as the …
- 16:26 Changeset [25378] by
- In getcluster: * Quote shell output (Trac: #1037) * Update the man page for the 21st century (Trac: #964)
- 16:07 Ticket #1037 (getcluster(1) should quote its shell output) created by
- See #1036. While OTHER_REPOS=foo,bar ; export OTHER_REPOS ; works, we …
- 16:05 Ticket #1036 (The apt_release clusterinfo tag is Wrong(tm)) created by
- It is not supported to have multiple unversioned clusterinfo tags, and we …
- 15:58 Ticket #164 (installer should know about apt-release clusterinfo) closed by
- fixed
- 15:01 Ticket #1035 (/dev/xconsole isn't there on natty) created by
- Something, somewhere, is supposed to mkfifo it, and is supposed to do so …
- 14:38 Changeset [25377] by
- In console: * Actually support passing filenames on the command line * Add a timestamp to each line (c.f. /etc/athena/console)
- 12:29 Changeset [25376] by
- In kiosk: * Support FF 5.
- 11:34 Changeset [25375] by
- Don't copy to a nonexistent directory
- 09:50 Changeset [25374] by
- In kiosk: * "Disable" printing and warn the user that they're doing it wrong (Trac: #1016)
- 08:58 Ticket #1034 (Advocate for the death of the reg applet) created by
- The entire freshman class registers via a web form. Why can't everyone …
- 08:57 Ticket #1033 (Switch to Chrome for Kiosk mode) created by
- Because all the cool kids are using it. And because of #1016. And …
- 21:01 Changeset [25373] by
- Bump the upstream version, because it's not just packaging changes
- 21:00 Changeset [25372] by
- In dotfiles: * Clean up comments from the '90s (Trac: #921)
- 20:44 Ticket #893 (CUPS is now unwilling to have no default printer) closed by
- worksforme
- 20:40 Ticket #574 ("System Default Session" is missing in gdm) closed by
- fixed
- 20:39 Changeset [25371] by
- Attmpet to detect laptops (Trac: #613)
- 19:29 Ticket #556 (chsh.moira shouldn't use /etc/shells) closed by
- fixed
- 18:54 Changeset [25370] by
- In xsession: * Don't tell private workstation owners to contact hotline (Trac: #998)
- 17:59 Changeset [25369] by
- Use the variable for the default printer
- 17:56 Changeset [25368] by
- In cupsys-config: * Set the new printer as default if there isn't already a default (Trac: #1017)
- 17:44 Ticket #1032 (printing-config's clusterinfo lookup bypasses local clusterinfo) created by
- It just queries Hesiod, which is Wrong(tm).
- 17:15 Hacks edited by
- (diff)
- 17:07 Ticket #229 (CUPS should not scan the local network for printers) closed by
- fixed: And 2 years after we started, we're finally done with BrowsePolling? …
- 17:05 Ticket #1013 (Screen won't redraw when nologin-monitor window vanishes) closed by
- fixed
- 16:49 Changeset [25367] by
- Ship a minimal athinfod for the installer.
- 12:26 Ticket #1031 (gdm theme is suboptimal on multiple monitors) created by
- That "Welcome to Debathena" is split across the monitors is the most …
- 12:10 Ticket #1030 (Trouble saving global monitor state from an AFS account) created by
- If I go to System | Preferences | Monitors and try to save a monitor …
- 12:07 Ticket #1029 (Consider making reprepro not delete unreferenced files immediately) created by
- If there's a race where we move a new version of a package to production …
- 10:21 Changeset [25366] by
- In moira: * Conflict with the stella package.
- 13:49 Ticket #1028 (Deny logins if machtype -L != debathena-cluster but Hesiod cluster=cluster) created by
- Users should not be permitted to log into a machine for which Hesiod …
- 13:42 Ticket #1027 (update logout alias for oneiric) created by
- Oneiric's gnome-session has no gnome-session-save command; you use …
- 09:50 Changeset [25365] by
- In athinfod-cluster-config: * Add upgrade.log to investigate failed upgrades
- 09:10 Changeset [25364] by
- In dotfiles: * Actually fix Trac #512 by checking for the correct values in $command and $BASH_EXECUTION_STRING (Hint: the original code didn't work when it the sftp-server was nice'd). It's unclear that the scp-related block of the case statements ever get called, but scp also doesn't suck with verbose dotfiles, so "meh"
- 08:48 Ticket #512 (sftp subsystem should not return stdout/stderr from dotfiles) reopened by
- To bad we never actually tested this. The value of $command on the …
- 04:21 Changeset [25363] by
- In auto-update: * Depend on the timeout package if necessary. Also special-case that package's timeout command, as it has different syntax.
- 23:04 Changeset [25362] by
- In auto-update: * Ensure that aptitude install succeeds before describing the update as successful, which apparently has been broken since 1.13
- 22:55 Ticket #1026 (athena-auto-update needs a full rewrite) created by
- Given #1020, #1145, and #840, we need to re-write auto-update, because …
- 21:47 Changeset [25361] by
- In auto-update: * Revert changes from 1.31 (which didn't actually work) and instead run all aptitude --download-only invocations inside timeout(1).
- 20:06 Ticket #1025 (Nothing should recommend/depend msmtp-mta; installer should deal) created by
- I encountered a user today who had postfix installed and configured, and …
- 17:34 Milestone Natty Release completed
- 16:42 Changeset [25360] by
- In auto-update: * Ship a cron job to prevent auto-update from wedging for more than an hour.
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.