


12:44 Changeset in config-package-dev [7bac73f] by Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@…>
masterFix typo
11:46 Changeset in config-package-dev [9eee19d] by Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@…>
masterRelease version 5.2. * Bump Standards-Version to 4.0.0 and Debhelper compat level to v9 (no changes). * debian/control, debian/copyright: Use https in URLs. * debian/control: Depend on ${perl:Depends}, which gives us a dependency on perl (not just perl-base) for Digest::MD5. Thanks, dh_perl!
11:45 Changeset in config-package-dev [cdc4dc2] by Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@…>
masterdh_configpackage: Document relative transform sources and check_file
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