


10:42 Ticket #1606 (focal: python-kerberos (for python2) no longer in distribution) created by glasgall
We'll need to fork or build this ourselves until we can port everything to …
10:41 Ticket #1605 (Debathena python packages must depend on 'python2 'instead of 'python' or ...) created by glasgall
'python' (and therefore python 2) will no longer exist in main in ubuntu …
10:33 Ticket #1604 (discuss-emacs is broken) created by glasgall
'a' to add a new meeting calls 'read-input', which apparently doesn't …
10:29 Ticket #1603 (buster: python-afs (and, perforce, pyhesiodfs) is still broken) created by glasgall
Loading the .so complains about rk_strlcpy being undefined. Installing the …
10:26 Ticket #1602 (buster: debathena-archive-keyring uses apt-key without depending on ...) created by glasgall
dpkg now warns about this explicitly
10:26 Ticket #1601 (buster: debathena-cupsys-config fails to install Pharos printers) created by glasgall
Script complains about "no available PPDs"
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.