.\" $Source: /afs/dev.mit.edu/source/repository/athena/bin/delete/man1/lsdel.1,v $ .\" $Author: jik $ .\" $Header: /afs/dev.mit.edu/source/repository/athena/bin/delete/man1/lsdel.1,v 1.3 1989-03-27 11:32:45 jik Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All .\" rights reserved. The file /usr/include/mit-copyright.h specifies .\" the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .\" .TH LSDEL 1 "January 27, 1988" "MIT Project Athena" .ds ]W MIT Project Athena .SH NAME lsdel \- list deleted files .SH SYNOPSIS .B lsdel [ .B \-d ] [ .B \-r ] [ .B \-t \fIn\fR ] [ .B \-y ] [ filename [ ... ]] .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .I Lsdel lists files that have been marked for deletion by the \fIdelete\fR(1) program. .PP For information about using wildcards with \fIlsdel\fR, see \fIundelete\fR(1). .PP Filenames passed to \fIlsdel\fR can be directories (non-deleted or deleted) or deleted files. If a non-deleted directory is specified, lsdel lists the deleted contents of that directory. If the .BR \-r option is specified, all non-deleted children of the directory will be searched recursively for deleted files. If not command-line filenames are specified, .I lsdel defaults to the current working directory. .PP .I Lsdel recursively lists deleted directories by default. This can be disabled with the .BR \-d option, which causes directory names, rather than their contents, to be listed. .PP The .BR \-t option allows the user to specify a minimum age, in days, of files to list. Only files that have not been modified in \fIn\fR days or more will be listed. .PP The .BR \-y option causes .I lsdel to print the total amount of space taken up by all the files it lists. .SH "SEE ALSO" delete(1), undelete(1), purge(1), expunge(1), ls(1) .SH AUTHOR Jonathan I. Kamens (MIT-Project Athena) .SH RESTRICTIONS Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. .IR Delete (1) specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.