This is the help file for the xquota popup window. This window has four sections. The first section contains static information. The name of the program and version number are visible on the top line. The next line contains the name of the machine that your home filesystem is on, and the directory of your filesystem that machine. The next section contains the meat of the information it has your hard and soft quotas, as well as the amount of space you are currently using. The last time that xquota checked the quota is also displayed here. The next section has a scrollbar, and displays any messages that xquota needs to send you. The last section contains the command buttons that allow you to access the various feature of xquota. The commands are: Done - click this button when you want to remove the popup window. Help - put up this help window Check Quota - ask xquota to make an immediate quota check. Quit - exit xquota There are also short cut commands so that you do not need to click the command buttons. They are: Click Left - Done. Click Middle - Help Click Right - Check Quota Type 'q' - Quit You will notice that the layout of the mouse keys is the same as the buttons appear on the display. This should make it easier to remember the function that applies to each command button.