source: trunk/athena/etc/athinfod/debian/athinfo.defs @ 24971

Revision 24971, 1.2 KB checked in by jdreed, 13 years ago (diff)
Remove blank lines at end of athinfo.defs
1# This file defines the queries understood by the athinfo daemon.
2# Blank lines and lines beginning with a '#' are ignored.  Each line
3# consists of a query name and a shell command to answer the query.
4# The shell command will not receive input and, for security reasons,
5# should not depend on a network filesystem.
7# Query         Command
9queries         cat /etc/athena/athinfo.defs
10uname           uname -a
11machtype        /bin/machtype
12sysname         /bin/machtype -S
13cputype         /bin/machtype -v -c
14display         /bin/machtype -v -d
15disks           /bin/machtype -v -r
16memory          /bin/machtype -v -M
17swap            swapon -s
18version         echo `machtype -L` on `machtype -E`
19clusterinfo     test -r /var/run/athena-clusterinfo.csh && cat /var/run/athena-clusterinfo.csh
20clusterinfo.bsh test -r /var/run/ && cat /var/run/
21date            date
22uptime          uptime
23partitions      cat /proc/partitions
24df              df -k -t ext2 -t ext3 -t ext4
25interfaces      netstat -in
26routes          netstat -rn
27listeners       netstat -lnt
28login           test -f /etc/nologin; echo $?
29cpuspeed        grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo
30packages        dpkg-query -W -f '${Package}\t${Version}\t${Status}\n' | sed -n 's/\tinstall ok installed$//p'
31modules         lsmod
32policy          apt-cache policy
33hardware        cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name /sys/class/dmi/id/product_version
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