#!/bin/sh # # A wrapper script to decide how to invoke gnome-session GNOME_SESSION_VER=`dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show gnome-session` SESSION="gnome-session" ARGS="" # STDERR will go somewhere useful at this point, right? echo "**** Athena session wrapper (/usr/bin/athena-session)" >&2 echo "**** session started at $(date)" >&2 # Support for --session was added in gnome-session 2.32.1-0ubuntu2 # according to the changelog if dpkg --compare-versions "$GNOME_SESSION_VER" ge '2.32.1-0ubuntu2~'; then if [ -e /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/classic-gnome.session ]; then ARGS="--session=classic-gnome" elif [ -e /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/ubuntu-2d.session ]; then ARGS="--session=ubuntu-2d" elif [ -e /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/ubuntu.session ]; then ARGS="--session=ubuntu" else zenity --error --text="Can't find a valid GNOME session to run (shouldn't happen). Please report this error to bugs@mit.edu and mention the hostname ($(hostname -f)) in your report." exit 1 fi fi echo "**** About to run $SESSION $ARGS $@" >&2 exec "$SESSION" "$ARGS" "$@"