#!/bin/sh # Usage: daorig # Fake up an "original" source tarball for a Debathena package. Run # this from the top level of a checkout or copy of the sources for a # Debathena package; the orig tarball will be created in the parent # directory if necessary. # If the package has no Debian version component, this script will do # nothing. If an orig file already exists, this script will also do # nothing. set -e : ${DEBATHENA_APT=/mit/debathena/apt} # Extract the changelog version and strip off the epoch and Debian component. pkgname=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/Source: //p') changever=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/Version: //p') sver=$(echo "$changever" | sed -re 's/^[0-9]+://p') upver=$(echo "$sver" | sed -re 's/-[^-]*$//') # If the version has no Debian component, do nothing. if [ "x$sver" = "x$upver" ]; then exit; fi # If an orig file already exists, do nothing. tarfile=${pkgname}_$upver.orig.tar.gz if [ -e "../$tarfile" ]; then exit; fi aptorig=$(find ${DEBATHENA_APT}*/pool -name $tarfile | head -1) if [ -n "$aptorig" ]; then echo "Copying existing $aptorig to original source" cp "$aptorig" "../$tarfile" else echo "Creating original source archive" dirname=$(basename $(pwd)) (cd .. && tar --exclude=.svn --exclude=debian -czf "$tarfile" "$dirname") fi