This hierarchy contains Debian/Ubuntu-specific materials, also known as "Debathena". The contents are: * debathena - Debathena-specific software packages such as PAM and NSS modules. * config - Packages for configuring native system software in a manner appropriate for Athena. * meta - Packages which contain nothing but dependencies on other packages and serve as an installation convenience. * scripts - Build scripts and supporting materials. Debathena is a SIPB project, and its infrastructure and procedures will need to be adapted for Athena 10. For the moment this file will document the Debathena procedures as they are, not as they will be. The current procedures do not even use this svn repository yet. Debian software used by Debathena: * schroot - Used to manage build chroot environments for each Debian/Ubuntu version. We use the lvm-snapshot schroot type, which allows rapid construction of ephemeral copies of template "source" chroots, so that every binary package build is done in a clean environment. * debuild - Used to create Debian source packages from package source directories. * sbuild - Used to build binary packages from source packages inside schroot environments. * equivs - Used to create packages which only contain dependency information. Somewhat of a dirty hack, since it doesn't keep proper changelogs, but it reduces overhead. * CDBS (Common Debian Build System) - Referenced by debian/rules files in packages. Contains standard build rules to cut down on per-package boilerplate. * reprepro - Used to upload packages into the apt repositories. * approx - Used to create a local cache of Debian packages on the build server. This cache is referenced by the build chroots for improved performance. Procedures used by Debathena for handling day-to-day package changes for regular packages: * To prepare a change to a regular package, the contents are edited directly in the /mit/debathena/packages subdir. * To record the prepared change in the changelog: (From inside the package source directory) dadch * To build and deploy the changed package for all environments: (From inside the package source directory, on debuild -S cd .. da sbuildhack .dsc * Generally the package is tested by manually installing it on test machines with dpkg -i. * To deploy the package to the repository: (From the package source parent directory, on as the debuild user) daupload-release _source.changes * If the package is architecture-independent, the -A option is passed to da and daupload-release. For an equivs-built package, the process is simpler since there is no source package and only one binary package: * To prepare a change to the control file, the contents are edited directly in the /mit/debathena/packages subdir. * To build the binary package: (From the package directory, on equivs-build --full .equivs * To deploy the package to the repository: daequivsupload .changes Adding a new distribution: Setting up a build server: (Adapted for Athena 10) 1. The build server must be installed with free space in an LVM volume group. The build chroots consume 2GB each. 1. Install debathena-standard as per the the instructions in 2. Install the packages listed in scripts/build-server/packages (using "aptitude install") 3. Install debathena-login, debathena-ssh-server, and debathena-build-depends (using "aptitude install"). (Depending on how recently debathena-build-depends was rebuilt, additional packages might need to be installed to satisfy the build-depends of newer packages. This can be taken care of later when an error occurs building a source package.) 4. Edit /etc/security/access.conf and add a first line: -:ALL EXCEPT root :ALL 5. Edit /etc/group and add the developers to the sbuild group. 6. Create /etc/passwd entries for each developer with "hesinfo username passwd >> /etc/passwd" and then run pwconv. (This is not necessary for the login system on the main root environment, but is for the chroot environments.) 7. Append to /etc/approx.conf the contents of scripts/build-server/approx.conf.tail 8. For each supported dist and arch (see scripts/all-schroots) run: VG=/dev/blah scripts/build-server/make-chroot dist arch substituting the name of the volume group for blah. Example: VG=/dev/dink scripts/build-server/make-chroot gutsy i386 Removing a build chroot on the build server: 1. Run VG=/dev/blah scripts/clean-schroots to make sure that the build chroot is not mounted, substituting the name of the volume group for blah. 2. Edit /etc/schroot/schroot.conf and delete the section corresponding to the chroot. 3. Run lvchange -an blah/chrootname substituting the name of the volume group for blah and the chroot name for chroot. Example: lvchange -an dink/gutsy-i386-sbuild 4. Run lvremove -an blah/chrootname