/* $Id: staff.pc,v 1.9 2008-03-31 21:00:43 zacheiss Exp $ * * Load data into Moira from Personnel Office data file * * Copyright (C) 1990-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include #include #include EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; RCSID("$Header: /afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/moiradev/repository/moira/regtape/staff.pc,v 1.9 2008-03-31 21:00:43 zacheiss Exp $"); /* File format is: * * id number [9] * last name [30] * first name [30] * middle name [30] * office address [24] * phone1 [12] * phone2 [12] * dept [50] * title [50] */ #define LOC_ID 0 #define LEN_ID 9 #define LOC_LAST_NAME (LOC_ID + LEN_ID) #define LEN_LAST_NAME 30 #define LOC_FIRST_NAME (LOC_LAST_NAME + LEN_LAST_NAME) #define LEN_FIRST_NAME 30 #define LOC_MIDDLE_NAME (LOC_FIRST_NAME + LEN_FIRST_NAME) #define LEN_MIDDLE_NAME 30 #define LOC_OFFICE (LOC_MIDDLE_NAME + LEN_MIDDLE_NAME) #define LEN_OFFICE 24 #define LOC_PHONE (LOC_OFFICE + LEN_OFFICE) #define LEN_PHONE 12 #define LOC_PHONE2 (LOC_PHONE + LEN_PHONE) #define LEN_PHONE2 12 #define LOC_DEPT (LOC_PHONE2 + LEN_PHONE2) #define LEN_DEPT 50 #define LOC_TITLE (LOC_DEPT + LEN_DEPT) #define LEN_TITLE 50 struct entry *get_next_entry(FILE *in); void process_entry(struct entry *e, int secure); EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int who; char *prog = "stafload"; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; char *whoami; int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *in; struct entry *e; int i, wait = 0; char buf[80], *file = NULL; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char *db = "moira"; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (whoami) whoami++; else whoami = argv[0]; setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-w")) wait++; else if (file) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-w] inputfile\n", whoami); exit(1); } else file = argv[i]; } if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-w] inputfile\n", whoami); exit(1); } in = fopen(file, "r"); if (!in) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s for input\n", file); exit(1); } initialize_sms_error_table(); EXEC SQL CONNECT :db IDENTIFIED BY :db; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr("opening database", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } EXEC SQL SELECT users_id INTO :who FROM users WHERE login = 'root'; while ((e = get_next_entry(in))) { process_entry(e, 0); EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { dbmserr("committing work", sqlca.sqlcode); exit(1); } if (wait) { printf("Next"); fflush(stdout); fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin); } } exit(0); } struct entry *get_next_entry(FILE *in) { static struct entry e; static char buf[BUFSIZ]; static char last_name[LEN_LAST_NAME + 1], id[LEN_ID + 1]; static char first_name[LEN_FIRST_NAME + 1], middle_name[LEN_MIDDLE_NAME + 1]; static char office[LEN_OFFICE + 1], phone[LEN_PHONE + 1]; static char phone2[LEN_PHONE2 + 1], dept[LEN_DEPT + 1], title[LEN_TITLE + 1]; int ends_sr, ends_jr, ends_iii, ends_iv, ends_ii, ends_v; char *p, *q; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), in)) return NULL; strlcpy(id, &buf[LOC_ID], LEN_ID + 1); strlcpy(last_name, &buf[LOC_LAST_NAME], LEN_LAST_NAME + 1); strlcpy(first_name, &buf[LOC_FIRST_NAME], LEN_FIRST_NAME + 1); strlcpy(middle_name, &buf[LOC_MIDDLE_NAME], LEN_MIDDLE_NAME + 1); strlcpy(office, &buf[LOC_OFFICE], LEN_OFFICE + 1); strlcpy(phone, &buf[LOC_PHONE], LEN_PHONE + 1); strlcpy(phone2, &buf[LOC_PHONE2], LEN_PHONE2 + 1); strlcpy(dept, &buf[LOC_DEPT], LEN_DEPT + 1); strlcpy(title, &buf[LOC_TITLE], LEN_TITLE + 1); e.last = strtrim(last_name); e.first = strtrim(first_name); e.middle = strtrim(middle_name); ends_sr = ends_jr = ends_iii = ends_iv = ends_ii = ends_v = 0; LookForSt(e.last); LookForO(e.last); LookForJrAndIII(e.last, &ends_jr, &ends_sr, &ends_ii, &ends_iii, &ends_iv, &ends_v); LookForJrAndIII(e.first, &ends_jr, &ends_sr, &ends_ii, &ends_iii, &ends_iv, &ends_v); e.name = buf; if (*e.middle) sprintf(e.name, "%s %s %s", e.first, e.middle, e.last); else sprintf(e.name, "%s %s", e.first, e.last); e.id = id; e.haddr = e.hphone = ""; /* The following is really gross, but it happens to successfully convert * new-style Warehouse office descriptions into (more-readable) old-style * Personnel Office office descriptions. */ e.oaddr = p = strtrim(office); while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; q = p; while (isspace(*q)) q++; if (*q && q < e.oaddr + LEN_OFFICE / 2) { *p++ = '-'; while (*q && q < e.oaddr + LEN_OFFICE / 2) { if (*q != ' ' && *q != '-') *p++ = *q; if (q > p) *q = ' '; q++; } memset(p, ' ', q - p); } p = e.oaddr + LEN_OFFICE / 2; while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; q = p; while (isspace(*q)) q++; if (*q) { *p++ = '-'; while (*q) { if (*q != ' ' && *q != '-') *p++ = *q; if (q > p) *q = ' '; q++; } memset(p, ' ', q - p); } strtrim(e.oaddr); fixaddress(e.oaddr); e.xaddress = e.oaddr; e.ophone = e.xphone1 = strtrim(phone); fixphone(e.ophone); e.xphone2 = strtrim(phone2); fixphone(e.xphone2); e.dept = strtrim(dept); e.xtitle = strtrim(title); e.type = "MITS"; if (strstr(uppercase(e.xtitle), "PROF") || strstr(uppercase(e.xtitle), "LECTURE")) e.type = "FACULTY"; if (!strcmp(e.dept, "LINCOLN LAB")) e.type = "LINCOLN"; FixCase(e.dept); FixCase(e.xtitle); return &e; }