#!/bin/bash # This script is intended to be run from a cron job by a local account # on the Debathena build server--i.e. debuild@debuild.mit.edu. The # account should have # # * A GPG secret key to sign the checksums for the live CDs. # # * A file named $HOME/autolivebuilder.config specifying shell # variable assignments for: # - error_addr: An email address to send errors to # - release: The Ubuntu release to base the live CDs off of # - release_version: The version number of that release # - arch: Which architecture to use for the live CD # - mirror: Which Ubuntu mirror to use # - gpg_opts: A bash array of options to pass to gpg. This should # include which keys to sign the checksums files with # - live_dir: The directory to put the live CDs into # Send all output to a logfile. mkdir -p "$HOME/autolivebuilder-logs" logfile=$HOME/autolivebuilder-logs/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H').log exec >$logfile 2>&1 # Set default configuration values mirror='ubuntu.media.mit.edu' # Read configuration; if it's not complete, do nothing. config=$HOME/autolivebuilder.config . $config if (! [ -n "$error_addr" ]) || \ (! [ -n "release" ]) || \ (! [ -n "$release_version" ]) || \ (! [ -n "$arch" ]) || \ (! [ -n "${gpg_opts[*]}" ]) || \ (! [ -n "$live_dir" ]); then echo "Incomplete $config; doing nothing." exit fi suppress=$HOME/autolivebuilder.suppress if [ -e "$suppress" ]; then echo "$suppress exists; not running." exit fi # Make sure runs of this script do not overlap. runfile=$HOME/autolivebuilder.running if [ -e "$runfile" ]; then # A previous invocation appears to still be running. pid=$(cat "$runfile") if ! kill -0 "$pid" 2>/dev/null; then # Okay, it's not really running. Perhaps the machine has # rebooted. Wait for manual intervention before running again. echo "Stale runfile." else echo "$runfile exists; not running." fi exit fi echo $$ > $runfile # Put here cleanup that should always happen clean_up () { err=$? set +e touch "$suppress" rm "$runfile" /usr/sbin/sendmail -t < To: Autolivebuilder <$error_addr> Subject: Autolivebuilder failure Autolivebuilder has experienced a failure. Please see $logfile on $(hostname) for more details. Autolivebuilder will stop running until $suppress is removed. EOF if [ -n "$session" ]; then schroot -ec "$session" print "$session" fi exit $err } trap clean_up ERR set -e cd $HOME/live if ! [ -d debathena-live ]; then echo "E: The Debathena Live CD builder is not checked out." echo "E: Run 'git clone file:///mit/debathena/git/debathena-live.git' in" echo "E: $HOME/live" false fi pushd debathena-live # This will break if we ever add an epoch. So don't do that. version="$(dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -ne 's/^Version: //p')" debuild -us -uc -b popd iso="ubuntu-${release_version}-desktop-${arch}.iso" wget -N "http://${mirror}/ubuntu-releases/${release_version}/$iso" wget -N "http://${mirror}/ubuntu-releases/${release_version}/SHA1SUMS" wget -N "http://${mirror}/ubuntu-releases/${release_version}/SHA1SUMS.gpg" gpg --verify SHA1SUMS.gpg SHA1SUMS grep "$iso" SHA1SUMS | sha1sum -c session="$(schroot -bc "${release}-${arch}-sbuild")" schroot -rc "$session" -u root -- dpkg -i "debathena-livecd-tools_${version}_all.deb" || : schroot -rc "$session" -u root -- apt-get install -y -f date="$(date "+%Y%m%d")" da_iso="ubuntu-${release_version}-debathena-${date}-${arch}.iso" da_dvd_iso="ubuntu-${release_version}-debathena-${date}-${arch}-dvd.iso" schroot -rc "$session" -u root -- debathena-livecd-convert "$iso" "$da_iso" schroot -rc "$session" -u root -- debathena-livecd-convert --dvd "$iso" "$da_dvd_iso" cp "$da_iso" "$da_dvd_iso" "${live_dir}" sha1sum "$da_iso" >"${live_dir}/${da_iso}.sha1sum" sha512sum "$da_iso" >"${live_dir}/${da_iso}.sha512sum" sha1sum "$da_dvd_iso" >"${live_dir}/${da_dvd_iso}.sha1sum" sha512sum "$da_dvd_iso" >"${live_dir}/${da_dvd_iso}.sha512sum" gpg --batch --yes "${gpg_opts[@]}" -a -b "${live_dir}/${da_iso}.sha1sum" gpg --batch --yes "${gpg_opts[@]}" -a -b "${live_dir}/${da_iso}.sha512sum" gpg --batch --yes "${gpg_opts[@]}" -a -b "${live_dir}/${da_dvd_iso}.sha1sum" gpg --batch --yes "${gpg_opts[@]}" -a -b "${live_dir}/${da_dvd_iso}.sha512sum" kdestroy rm -f "$runfile"