Template: debathena-lightdm-config/force_lightdm Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Do you want to use lightdm? LightDM is a display manager, like xdm or gdm. You are not currently using lightdm, yet you're installing this package. You are strongly encouraged to use LightDM as your display manager for the best Debathena experience. . You can always change your mind later by editing /etc/X11/default-display-manager or running "dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" Template: debathena-lightdm-config/force_greeter Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Do you want to use the Debathena LightDM greeter? The Debathena LightDM greeter is a greeter for the LightDM display manager. It configures your workstation's login screen to look like those in the public Athena clusters. . The Debathena team _strongly encourages_ the use of the Debathena greeter. If you choose to use another greeter, you are strongly encouraged to read the instructions at /usr/share/doc/debathena-lightdm-config/README or other users may have difficulty logging in. . If you have no LightDM greeter set, the debathena-lightdm-greeter will be selected regardless of the answer to this question. Template: debathena-lightdm-config/uninstall Type: note _Description: A new greeter will be selected for you LightDM won't function without a greeter. Since you're uninstalling (or deconfiguring) this package, a new one will be selected automatically, in the following order of preference: - unity-greeter - lightdm-gtk-greeter - the first greeter found in /usr/share/xgreeters . You can change the greeter with /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults