Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1145)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#655 jweiss wontfix remote syslog includes hostname twice

Reported by jweiss, 14 years ago.


remote syslogs collected from some machines (such as cvp and zulu) include the hostname twice in the message. I've just taught our syslog parsing code to work around it, but can't guarantee that other reports won't be affected.

#674 jweiss invalid alpine renders html non-breaking space incorrectly

Reported by jweiss, 14 years ago.


It appears that when alpine renders an html message that contains a non-breaking-space, that character is rendered as a capital-A with a caret over it. I'm guessing this will need to be up-streamed, but figured that there might be some charset issue that I'm missing or something,

#690 jdreed invalid debathena-nologin-monitor should display contents of /etc/nologin

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


This is a continuation of #642. It may become moot if  LP:600390 gets fixed.

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