Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#377 ^C confuses discuss in the middle of a too-long listing new defect The Distant Future --
#591 Deleted transactions at the end of a discuss meeting can't be found new mitchb defect The Distant Future --
#626 aufs doesn't support file capabilities new defect Upstream Utopia login chroot
#750 man page for blanche(1) missing many options accepted jdreed defect The Distant Future documentation
#780 gdm-config/debian/rules is quite ill-fitted for building a source package new defect The Distant Future --
#1302 config-package-dev uses deprecated --control-path option to dpkg-query new defect The Distant Future config-package-dev
#1504 superrepro has path inconsistencies new defect The Distant Future --
#1594 Set Multi-Arch: foreign on all Architecture: all packages new defect The Distant Future --
#502 cups-lpq doesn't tell you where a printer is reopened enhancement Upstream Utopia printing
#752 Debothena should respond to Rebecca commands new enhancement The Distant Future --
#885 Rebuild and package kerberometer new enhancement The Distant Future --
#938 zwrite should whine at you if you're not subbed new enhancement The Distant Future --
#1073 getent passwd_nonlocal should work new enhancement The Distant Future --
#1202 nss_nonlocal: Support initgroups database? new enhancement The Distant Future --
#1300 Ship pymoira and mrtools with Debathena new enhancement The Distant Future --
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.